Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chicago Cubs Harry Caray Quotes - Famous Baseball Quotes

Famous Harry Caray Baseball Quotes

Chicago Cubs Baseball

Harry Caray the Cubs lovable announcer brought a joy to the games that long time Cub fans will always remember. Harry Caray brought a boyish enthusiasm to the ball park each day, and he really brought a lot of energy into our living rooms all summer long.

Caray would often stumble over his words, and was well known for his love of Budweiser. He would spell peoples names backwards, mispronounce baseball players names, and really stated his displeasure when the Cubs were playing badly.  Here is a collection of some of my favorite Harry Caray quotes of all time.

Famous Harry Caray MLB Baseball Quotes Of All Time

"Holy Cow" -  This is probably the most well known of his quotes that he used time and time again after a Cubs home run, or an amazing play. The "Holy Cow" phrase makes any Cubs fan think of Harry Caray.

"It might be, it could be, it is" - This is another one of Harry Caray signature sayings that he would use after a Cubs home run, or even just a deep fly ball. I remember him saying "It might be, it could be, it is!", only to find out that the ball didn't even quite make it to the warning track. I can't remember how many times when I was of in another room of the house listening to the broadcasts and Harry would scream out "It might be, it could be"....... only to find out it was a lazy fly ball when I came running to the television set to see what happened.

"You know, they're not going to lose a 162 consecutive games" - This is what Harry would say when the Cubs started off the season on a losing note. Sadly to say, I've heard him say that quote more times than I care to remember!

Now, you tell me, if I have a day off during the baseball season, where do you think I`ll spend it? The ballpark. I still love it. Always have, always will.” - Harry Caray loved the ballpark more than anywhere else in the world. He lived his dream every year of his life. There aren't too many of us that can say that.

Hello again, everybody. It's a beautiful day for baseball. - Ah, those 1:15 broadcasts. Hope springs eternal.. It didn't matter if the Cubs were in the midst of a 7 game losing streak, when I would hear Harry Caray say that phrase, I would always find new optimism and think that today is the day that the Cubs turn it around!

My whole philosophy is to broadcast the way a fan would broadcast. - He sure did, didn't he? He would come out of his chair, whine when the Cubs were playing poorly, and celebrate with exuberance when the Cubs were playing well.

"Now lets get some runs!" - Harray Caray would say this many times after singing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" during the 7th inning stretch. Till this day when a celebrity is singing during the 7th inning stretch they will use Harray Caray's quote at the end of the song!

"It's the fans that need spring training. You gotta get 'em interested. Wake 'em up and let 'em know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll." - When opening day finally comes you can't wait until the umpire comes out, brushes off home plate and yells "PLAY BALL"


Do you have any more Harry Caray quotes that you would like me to add? Please feel free to add any comments that you may have.

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